Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the evolution of (m) being: possibly a meta-being?

so again, reading WJ's biography and one of the "problems" he was thinking about got me thinking about my conception of being (i will upload two papers ive written so far talking about it and its possible application for free will). however a little background information may be necessary.

one of the things that WJ wrote about in his principles of psychology was about how he thought that what causes "association of ideas" is their "halo" or fringe" surrounding them. WJ was trying to explain what linked items together in consciousness and thought that some aspect on the "fringe" of the thought-data (my word not his)linked items together. this is basically an extremely embryonic account of both the effect of priming as well as the conceptions of schema. i thought it appropriate to consider this visually and so have included a rudimentary diagram that i feel sheds light upon the thought.

where this gets more interesting is in regards to a problem that WJ was having with psychology in regards to the question of how the individual's unique experience shaped the contents of their mind. in answer of this he thought that again there was something similar to the "fringe" effect going on. again ive included a diagram that i think sheds more light upon what he may have meant by this.

the reason all this stuff is interesting is because it's another account of the same problem that ive been having with philosophy of mind and the study of being. it is interesting to think of the influences experience has upon the contents of consciousness and there are contemporary examples of how this can happen (PTSD, MDD, amnesia, etc, etc, etc) but these examples don't truly capture the underlying nature of what is occuring they merely describe the surface details of how the what is occuring.

i have asserted and will assert again that in terms of experience there must be some kind of 'base entity' of experience for living organisms. my definition of being is basically this 'base entity'. the mind to being is like a tool that organizes the objects of life into our mental world and also organizes the objects of our mental world into life in a reciprocal manner. the mind can be 'put aside' temporarily (in some cases permanently) and experience can be had in a purely experiential way free of the mind's influences (ie - meditation, extreme torture, hallucinogens, physical injury). this being true its easy to see the mind as something that being experiences and not as actual being.

basically, this whole idea of the fringe effect got me thinking about how WJ's thoughts could be visually represented in order to understand them better. once i had the diagrams present in my head it wasn't a hard step to see that WJ was interested in the same thing i am although from a different perspective. he was interested in seeing how the mind affects the contents of the mental world whereas i am interested in seeing how being affects the mind in such a way as to influence the contents of the mental world. although it may not be possible to observe being in such a scientific way, it would still be a useful ontological concept regardless. if experiences and logic compel us to conceive of ourselves as being at core "experiential" rather than "minded" than my concept of being will indeed prove useful to the further study of the experience of being a body in the world.

anyways, this got me thinking more because i was thinking that maybe that whole idea of self seen in the diagram was being. however, after thinking about it and fleshing the idea out i see now that i was mistaken and that what i mistook for being is actually mind; a mistake made my many, including contemporary philosophers and psychologists. this led me to think about how being is more about the perspectivity that the mind takes upon various aspects of its mental world and not about what comprises that perspectivity. however, this new thought led me conceive of the notion of a meta-being. that is, a being that is 'outside' of its mind and is able to observe the connections as they form and what influences them. i realise that such a meta-being is an exceedingly impossible seeming thing but it may be quite possible that meta-being is really just the actualized form of meta-becoming that many people do partake in.

meta-becoming is the embryonic and primitive form of meta-being. it is not necessarily an entity unto itself but merely the forming of an entity. meta-becoming is thusly more so a state of mind that many people slip into, both consciously and unconsciously. some do it unconsciously as a matter of their experiential programming of mind. through their experiences theyve come to realize that its beneficial to explore the influences that aspects of the mind can have upon other aspects of the mind; they have thusly come to study their own such influences as the natural result of their living philosophy. others however have the brutish misfortune of what may be a choice in the matter. perhaps they come upon knowledge that enables them to realise the importance of understanding why they do the things they do or why they think the things they think; at this point they get to "choose" whether or not to pay attention and truly study themselves in this way. an example of this study (not all inclusive of what it means to understand oneself from the meta-being perspective) would be the sociological concepts of primary and secondary socialization. once people being to study themselves and their influences they have awakened their meta-becoming and started upon a journey towards meta-being.

this meta-being, or being-outside-itself, is something not realised by many or even few. i find it likely that this level of self understanding is beyond the reach of possibly every human being at this point in history. partly due to poor records kept of formative years (and even the years afterwards) and also partly due to infantile amnesia (the normal forgetting of childhood experiences before 3 or so) as well as even just plain old regular forgetfulness.

it also may be possible that understanding all of the connections and influences would create a 'second mind' in order to process the information and feed it to being for experience. if this were the case, then it would be quite impossible for a meta-being to exist because the 'second mind' would have to be understood in the same way as the first, and then a 'third mind' would have to be created to understand the second, and so on and so on. however this is not the case. no 'second mind' need be created in understanding of the first because understanding of the first would apply analogically to the further understanding and connections. in this way, meta-being avoids an untimely infinite regress.

furthermore, i should note, this concept of meta-being is merely the finalized product of being using the mind to become fully whole, realised, and actualised. meta-being is something that can only appear phylogenetically (not in the biological sense but in the onto-evolutionary sense) after being. one must exist as a being before coming upon (or not) the state of meta-becoming which can lead to meta-being. therefore, being is still the primary base entity of experience and not necessarily subservient or subsumed under meta-being. furthermore, meta-being is moreover an ontological entity of complete awareness (of the individuality and 'togetherness' of mind/body/being) than an active director such as is displayed by being. meta-being is basically an awareness of the both the systems influencing the individual parts (body/mind/being) as well as the systems influencing the togetherness (both of which are always present although we for the most part remain unaware of them).

it should also be noted that meta-being is not to be equated with meta cognition, as meta cognition is purely about the mind (and in a sense body). however, meta cognition can and often does cross into the realm of meta-becoming. sometimes this manifests as pure meta-cognition (becoming aware of thoughts and thought-influences, sometimes also as pure meta-becoming (becoming aware of the influences of mind on being and vice versa), and sometimes as a mixture between the two.

although this definition of meta-being seems cumbersome as well as ill-needed as likely no human will achieve this completeness of awareness it seems important to define the logical endpoint of self-awareness. the idea of being for us, in the gross macro world of the observable, must be preceded with some kind of becoming. we have no experiences of things just coming into being (except for tin the micro subtle worlds where electrons and quarks just "appear" and "disappear", coming and going from existence). meta-being is the ultimate endpoint of personal awareness, preceded by meta-becoming, preceded by many steps in between but starting with being. this all kind of begs the question though 'what is the 'becoming' of being?' and for this i have no answer at present. however i believe in the future the precise moment of the start of mental life will be observed by physiologists and when this happens the study of becoming can emerge.

the start of a new beginning

so ive been reading the biography of william james for an assignment for school and have become extremely motivated and directed. although james' childhood, teenhood, and young adulthood (i guess his entire life up to around my age) have been completely different than my own (james being part of a very wealthy family and privy to the benefits of such a heritage) i still find a sense of accord with this long forgotten giant of a man. james was a very emotional man almost to the point of disaster. in his early twenties he suffered from "nervous" disorders such as back pains, weakness, and trembling (so called "nervous" because there could not be found any basis for his symptoms physiologically). he also liked to try chemicals that he would make himself! anyways i really could go on about william james (although at this point i really only know his life story up to about 35 years and havent read any of his philosophy [i intend to]) thats not really the point of this post.

ive decided that ive finally landed. many years ago i set out on a search for the right woman, thinking that that was the most important thing that i needed to get from life in order to progress. as one can tell from almost the entirety of my previous posts, that search was indeed my highest priority and i engaged in the search and selection with a vigor and enthusiasm that had never been previously observed. although it seems like the kind of enthusiasm i put into it was a little too much (and i have no doubt that many of my past romances would agree) a few benefits have come of it. one: i have achieved my goal. i have finally found the one with whom i will spend the rest of my life. all of my thoughts and behaviours directed at the search and selection can finally lay at rest, handing the reins of control over. although some of my thoughts will have to be directed at maintaining the relationship this is quite an easier task and one that can be laid as an underpinnings as opposed to at the fore.

the second and most important benefit that has come as a result of this 'landing' is that i have come to observe the vigor, enthusiasm, and potency that can result from the directedness of my own wants and desires. i have watched myself become absorbed in material related to my aforementioned goal and i have watched and urged myself to push forward into the world with the knowledge gained by the material in efforts to succeed. this is phenomenal! upon this realisation i know my life must change. for too long have i been lax in my studies (both publicly academic and privately). i need to read more. i need to WRITE. i think about so much and just casually write off my thoughts as private entertainment. although some of my thoughts (about EVERYTHING really) may just be mere echoes of the past some of my thoughts may be real solid foundations for my future, and the future of western though as a whole. i am a visionary and i have a vision. my vision cuts at the current society and separates ideas, concepts, and practices that are wanting. my vision also sees to the future and recognizes positivity without turning away from negativity. for these reasons i must start writing. this blog will serve as a useful record of my writings.

some topics that i will begin work on:

- marriage/personal honour/decline of true sociality
- being (in my language); the ontological entity which directs attentiveness and perspectivity and is engaged reciprocally with mind
- the tragedy of modern "man"; his immasculation and feminization
- the problem with raising girls to be "girly"; neosexism in infancy
- the influence of fiction as portrayed multimedially (ie; on tv, or other modern means for fictional media)

i think these are a fine start. i shall likely be unable to begin adequate work on any of these topics for a few months due to the cumbersome academic load im currently under. however there is some time between terms in which i will begin work on at least one of these topics.

furthermore, i have decided to copy this post and use it as my last entry in the 'journeyman' blog as well as become my first entry in my new blog. as a final word i should like to give a great thanks to william james for choosing to believe. i will forever be truly indebted to him for exposing to me that choice as well.
